Concussion Law

The Concussion law that went into effect on April 26, 2013 in Ohio is commonly referred to as the Return to Play Law and deals with head injuries incurred during sports activities.

Mentor FSC has several policies  in place to comply with the requirements of the law:

  1. All coaches, monitors and Board  Members are required to a take a Concussion in Sports course
  2. Any skater exhibiting the signs of a concussion will be asked to leave the on- or off-ice session and will not be permitted to back until he/she receives written clearance  from a physician.
  3. All members will receive the Concussion Information sheet annually.

Please read the Parent/Athlete information sheet  and review the Youth Sports Organization Information Sheet. Additional information regarding the new law is available at

Parents and Athletes are also encourage to take the Concussion in Sports course. You will need to create an ID, but the course is free.

For additional information, please contact our SafeSport Coordinator at